Oxeye Daisy
Leucanthemum vulgare

The Ox-eye Daisy is a familiar native wildflower seen in many fields, roadside verges, railways and riverbanks. The name Ox-eye was a flattering name affectionately given to Hera, the Queen of Olympian gods in Greek mythology, the name was later given to this Daisy. The flower comes into bloom in the middle of May and continues to flower until the end of October although it is at its peak towards the end of June. The leaves are small with a rough toothed edge and those near the root are more round in shape with long stalks. Many insects don't like Ox-eye Daisy as the whole plant has a bitter, pungent juice within it. For this reason in days gone by the juice of the plant was often mixed with the bedding of farm animals as a repellent to insect pests. Celtic legend told how daises were the spirits of young children that died during birth.